PASSIVE: Typically worn at night after fixed braces are removed. This will hold teeth in their current position. This may also be called a Hawley retainer or just a retainer.
ACTIVE: Worn 24 hours/7 days a week except when eating or at important events. This will physically move teeth into position in about 6 months. This is also known as a Removable Active Appliance. Invisalign is a removable active appliance.
PASSIVE: Typically worn at night after fixed braces are removed. This will hold teeth in their current position. This may also be called a Hawley retainer or just a retainer.
ACTIVE: Worn 24 hours/7 days a week except when eating or at important events. This will physically move teeth into position in about 6 months. This is also known as a Removable Active Appliance. Invisalign is a removable active appliance.