Before and after photos on dentoalveolar jaw protrusion treated with orthodontics performed in our Extraction Oral Surgery office.
Dentoalveolar protrusion being treated with dental orthodontics teeth braces. This female had a tongue thrust habit that she was learning to control. Note the three teeth connected with wire are being used as an anchorage unit while one tooth is being pulled by the elastic band.
Fixed orthodontics teeth braces used to retract dentoalveolar protrusion, severe labial teeth flare inclination. 1) & 2) Pre-operative pictures. Note the upper and lower central incisor teeth. 3) & 4) Mid-treatment photos. Following six months of orthodontic treatment. Again, note the upper and lower central incisor teeth . Teeth braces move teeth through bone like moving a basketball pole through wet cement using anchorage and elastics. Note the three teeth connected with wire are being used as an anchorage unit while one tooth is being pulled by the elastic band.