Before and after photos on cosmetic bonding for tooth crowding and crooked teeth performed in our Smile Makeover office.
Cosmetic dentistry treatment of upper and lower right canine teeth. The patient declined orthodontics. The upper and lower canines were extracted and the distal of the laterals and the mesial of the first premolars were bonded to close the space. The second photo is one week following extraction. Cosmetic bonding was placed before the teeth were extracted so the patient never had to show the space between her teeth. Refer to other images in this series.
Cosmetic dentistry treatment of upper and lower right canine teeth. The patient declined orthodontics, braces. The upper and lower canines were extracted and the distal of the laterals and the mesial of the first premolars were bonded to close the space. The second photo is one week following extraction. The tooth bonding was placed before the teeth were extracted so the patient never had to show the space between her teeth. Refer to other images in this series.
Cosmetic dentistry treatment of upper and lower right canine teeth. Focus on the upper jaw. The patient declined orthodontics, braces. The upper and lower canines were extracted and the distal of the laterals and the mesial of the first premolars were bonded to close the space. The second photo is one week following extraction. The teeth bonding was placed before the teeth were extracted so the patient never had to show the space between her teeth. Refer to other images in this series.
Cosmetic dentistry treatment of upper and lower right canines. Focus on the lower jaw. The patient declined orthodontics, braces. The upper and lower canines were extracted and the distal of the laterals and the mesial of the first premolars were bonded to close the space. The second photo is one week following extraction. The dental bonding was placed before the teeth were extracted so the patient never had to show the space between her teeth. Refer to other images in this series.
Teeth Bonding & Sculpting, tooth reshaping. The patient’s canine teeth were congenitally in the lateral incisor position bilaterally. The canines were shortened and bonding was added to the mesials to square them. The mesio-incisal of #8 was also bonded after sculpting and stripping interproximally.
Total treatment time: 1 hour
(without the need for shots)
Teeth Bonding & Sculpting, reshaping incisal adjustment. Treatment time: one visit
Cosmetic Dentistry – extraction of a supernumerary tooth and teeth bonding. Treatment time: one visit!
The supernumerary tooth was first prepared to open the interproximal area between the remaining teeth. Dental bonding was then placed interproximally on both teeth as if the supernumerary was already gone (this gives a clean field). Then the supernumerary was extracted.
Tooth Bonding and sculpting – incisal adjustment – lower front teeth eliminates the crooked appearance.
Treatment time: 30 minutes without shots.
Cosmetic dentistry treatment of upper and lower right canines. The patient declined orthodontics. The upper and lower canines were extracted and the distal of the laterals and the mesial of the first premolars were bonded to close the space. The second photo is one week following extraction. The bonding was placed before the teeth were extracted so the patient never had to show the space between her teeth. Refer to other images in this series.
Cosmetic bonding of both upper lateral incisors to make them appear further forward. 1) Frontal view showing the upper lateral incisors appear behind the central incisors. 2) Occlusal view of the same. 3) Post-op frontal view following bonding of the lateral incisors. 4) Post-op occlusal view shows bonding material has been added to the labial surface of the laterals to make them appear further forward.