Before and after photos on active orthodontics removable braces and Invisalign performed in our Braces Orthodontics office.
Before and After results from wearing removable dental braces. This patient underwent orthodontic treatment for only one year of monthly visits.
An Upper Spring Aligner – removable braces – being used to straighten the two upper lateral incisor teeth. A removable spring aligner or Invisalign trays accomplish similar teeth movement in slightly different ways.
Before and after results from removable orthodontics. Treatment time – three months. This type of tooth crowding could be predictably treated with Invisalign.
These are removable orthodontic appliances for the upper jaw.
PASSIVE: Typically worn at night after fixed braces are removed. This will just hold teeth in their current position. This is also called a teeth retainer or a Hawley retainer.
ACTIVE: Worn 24 hours/7 days a week except when eating or at important events. This will physically move teeth into position in about 6 months. This category includes Invisalign.
These are removable orthodontic appliances for the lower jaw.
PASSIVE: Typically worn at night after fixed braces are removed. This will just hold teeth in their current positions. This is also called a teeth retainer or a Hawley retainer.
ACTIVE: Worn 24 hours/7 days a week except when eating or important events. This will physically move teeth into position in about 6 months. This category includes Invisalign.
An active orthodontic appliance straightened these teeth in the lower jaw in six months. Some people find this device more comfortable than Invisalign because it does not cover the biting surfaces of the teeth. We offer our patients all types of removable teeth braces in our practice.
This lower orthodontic spring aligner will move crooked teeth into proper position in three to six months if worn continuously. It is barely visible when being worn and is removable.
Removable orthodontic spring aligners -active appliances – are barely visible. They are effective for minor to moderate teeth movement.
Removable Teeth Braces – before and after pictures. Reshaping the edges of the upper front teeth and bleaching would be a nice finishing touch but the patient liked them as they were. The treatment time was 6 months.