Before and after photos on anchorage in orthodontics is part of teeth movement performed in our Braces Orthodontics office.
Fixed orthodontics used to retract severe labial inclination. 1) & 2) Pre-operative views. Note the upper and lower central incisors. 3) & 4) Following six months of treatment. Again, note the upper and lower central incisors. Braces move teeth through bone like moving a basketball pole through wet cement using anchorage and elastics. Note the three teeth connected with wire are being used as an anchorage unit while one tooth is being pulled by the elastic band.
Braces move teeth through bone like moving a basketball pole through wet cement using anchorage and elastics. Note the three teeth connected with wire are being used as an anchorage unit while one tooth is being pulled by the elastic band.
Crown and bridge repair. 1) – 4) Patient presented with a two-unit porcelain fused to metal bridge that had come out. The bridge abutment was on the upper left canine #11 and it was cantilevered in the upper left lateral position #10. The patient had recently moved to NY and then lost his job in the computer industry and was financially unable to properly rebuild this area at this time. The patient sought a temporary repair though he knew this would ultimately sacrifice the already badly damaged, and possibly untreatable, canine. 4) The canine abutment had significant decay. 5) The decay was removed from the canine and a post space created. 6) A pre-fabricated post was cemented into place. 7) A chemically cured bonding material was added to the post and the bridge was placed on top, and occasionally removed, during hardening. 8) The bridge was cemented onto this new abutment using chemically cured bonding material and a little bonding was also added to the distal of the left central #9 to help support the cantilever during vertical loading. The patient understands the need for more comprehensive care when circumstances allow.