Before and after photos on how braces move teeth through bone performed in our Braces Orthodontics office.

It will continue to get worse if left untreated.
Early orthodontic intervention – dental braces – will make orthodontic treatment fast, easy and less expensive.

Asymmetric Smile. Orthodontic theory on how teeth braces can correct a dental problem and also an explanation of why sometimes orthodontic results can be very different. These pictures explain:
Photo #1: Midline, top & bottom appears fine.
Photo #2: Only 3, not 4, lower incisors allowed easier and faster orthodontics as a child.
Photo #3: Asymmetric smile apparent.
Photo #4: Asymmetry not apparent here.
Photo #5: Asymmetry most apparent when smile seen in relation to lips and/or nose.
This pretty adult female received poorly planned orthodontic care as a child that resulted in significant smile asymmetry. This will require extensive adult braces or extensive cosmetic dentistry to correct.

These are removable orthodontic appliances for the lower jaw. Orthodontics theory explain how removable teeth braces work.
PASSIVE: Typically worn at night after fixed teeth braces are removed. This will just hold teeth in their current positions.
ACTIVE: Worn 24 hours/7 days a week except when eating or important events. This will physically move teeth into position in about 6 months. This is just one type of removable Active braces. Another type can be made in clear plastic popularized by Invisalign. All types of removable braces can provide reasonable MINOR tooth movement.

These are removable orthodontic appliances for the upper jaw. Orthodontics theory explain how removable teeth braces work.
PASSIVE: Typically worn at night after fixed braces are removed. This will just hold teeth in their current position.
ACTIVE: Worn 24 hours/7 days a week except when eating or at important events. This will physically move teeth into position in about 6 months. This is just one type of removable Active braces. Another type can be made in clear plastic popularized by Invisalign. All types of removable braces can provide reasonable MINOR tooth movement.