Before and after photos on orthodontic molar uprighting and mesial drift performed in our Braces Orthodontics office.

The upper two pictures show an orthodontic archwire that will be placed in the lower jaw. The bottom photo shows posterior open coils being used used for: molar uprighting and distalization of the mandibular molars and space maintenance. Molar uprighting is frequently needed to treat a malocclusion bad bite that occurs years after the extraction of the lower first molar tooth – the six year molar. Many people mistakenly believe that extracting a broken tooth is a quick fix until they learn in middle age that they now need teeth braces to fix a bite problem caused by the extraction.

Supraeruption and mesial drift that occurred many years after the extraction of a mandibular first molar tooth. 1) -2) These pictures show that the upper first molar tooth has supra-erupted because its opposing antagonist, the lower first molar, has been extracted. 3) Mesial drift of the lower second molar is seen in this x-ray secondary to the removal of the lower first molar. 4) Both supra-eruption of the upper first molar and mesial drifting of the lower second molar can be seen in this one xray secondary to the removal of the lower first molar. Conclusion: tooth extraction can frequently cause significant occlusal teeth bite problems if not actively prevented. This patient ideally needs orthodontics teeth braces to fix this problem. Molar uprighting is needed in the mandible.