Before and after photos on rabbit or buck teeth show labial flare tooth protrusion performed in our Braces Orthodontics office.
Cosmetic fixed orthodontics was needed to properly moved these teeth sideways. Note the orthodontics wire and the brackets glued on the teeth are tooth-colored.
Overjet is the horizontal measure of how much the upper teeth project forward relative to the lower teeth. The first photo shows the patient’s natural teeth bite – occlusion and the natural dental protrusion or labial flare of the anterior teeth. The second bite shows how she would like to look. Orthodontics dental braces or cosmetic dentistry can achieve this. It is better for a patient to find one office that offers both services so the treatment being offered is biased towards the services that can be provided.
This Dental Reconstruction included treatment for buck teeth that are also called rabbit teeth or beaver teeth. These before and after pictures show the result after one treatment visit that involvedĀ 20 provisional temporary dental crowns, 14 root canals and 6 teeth extractions.
This patient presented with her upper left central incisor flared labially. Labial flare or buck teeth are particularly common in black females and is frequently associated with a tongue thrust while swallowing. This tongue thrust can be easily seen by using the fingers to separate the lips while swallowing and observing where the tongue goes. Most people place their tongue unconsciously on the roof of the mouth while swallowing but a person with a tongue thrust will place their tongue against their teeth. Pictures. 1) Front photo view. 2) Side photo view. 3) Occlusal view. 4) Radiograph x-ray. The patient, who was in her twenties, was informed about the severe periodontal gum disease condition around her front tooth – note severe jaw bone loss – and that the prognosis for this tooth was poor. A thorough Periodontist examination was recommended. Teeth braces orthodontics is contra-indicated – not recommended – here because of the severe periodontal problem. Treatment could include: scaling and root planing, open flap periodontal debridement gum surgery if necessary, root canal therapy and a dental crown – for aesthetics – and possibly a teeth splint. Other treatment options could include: scaling and root planing and incisal adjustment with a dental splint. I personally would not rush to extract this tooth though the patient needs to be aware of this possibility.
Treatment of buck teeth, rabbit teeth, beaver teeth or as an Orthodontist would say, maxillary anterior labial flare. This patient had two upper front central incisor teeth were brought back into alignment with cosmetic dentistry. She had periodontal gum disease treatment which made her not a good candidate for orthodontics teeth braces. Her cosmetic dentistry included root canal and porcelain dental crowns on her two front teeth. This treatment can be completed in only a few dental visits without tooth pain.
Cosmetic dental treatment of labial flare, rabbit teeth. Before and after pictures. This patient had an allergic dermatitis and could not wear dental braces. Cosmetic dentistry for her protruded upper front teeth was accomplished with dental porcelain teeth crowns. Treatment time could be one day.