Before and after photos on thumb sucking nail biting and a tongue thrust performed in our Braces Orthodontics office.
The lower left photo shows her temporary crowns and the lower right photo shows her final crowns. Much more dentistry is still needed. The patient was taught how to stop biting her eyeglasses.
Parafunctional oral habits like bruxism teeth grinding clenching can cause serious damage to the teeth. Dental Reconstruction of a phobic Wall Street executive. Total treatment time was about nine hours in two visits during one business week: Monday (four hours) and Friday (five hours). This patient hid his dental condition for over a decade by never smiling.
In the first row of photos, note that the bite was over-closed due to a prior history of an eating disorder, now controlled, and a current tooth grinding habit.
An Oral Surgery consultation with panoramic x-ray (second row) was performed prior to treatment to evaluate opening the bite.
The third row shows x-rays taken after the Endodontist completed eight root canals on the first day on tooth #’s: 6 – 11 and 14, 15.
The fourth row shows the lab-processed 11 unit (11 tooth) temporary bridge and the cast gold post/cores (with Kaitlyn loops) for the root canal treated teeth.
The fifth row shows the cast gold post/cores cemented.
The sixth row shows the lab-processed temporary bridge in place after the surgeon extracted tooth #’s: 3 – 5 and 12, crown lengthening gum surgery was performed on tooth #’s: 6 – 11, and a distal wedge was performed on #15.
The patient will have a final porcelain-metal bridge made after the gums heal. Implants may also be placed in the upper right posterior. A bite plate is also necessary to try to mitigate the force of tooth grinding. Referral for pharmacological management of anxiety is also worthwhile.
Fixed orthodontics teeth braces used to retract severe labial inclination – teeth pushed outward towards the lips – in a patient who had a significant tongue thrust and thumb sucking habit.
Braces move teeth through bone like moving a basketball pole through wet cement using anchorage and elastics. Note the three teeth connected with wire are being used as an anchorage unit while one tooth is being pulled by the elastic band.
Oral habits, like lip biting, should be diagnosed and eliminated before initiating orthodontics or cosmetic dentistry.
Lip biting is one of many oral habits that are seen in dentistry. Other habits include: teeth grinding clenching or bruxism, tongue finger or thumb sucking, a tongue thrust and cheek or nail biting.
A nail biting habit associated with the creation of a tooth gap space between the upper front teeth. Placing a tiny amount of clear tape on fingernails can help break this subconscious habit.
A cheek biting habit associated with orthodontic brackets used in teeth braces.
Cheek biting is one of many oral habits that are seen in dentistry. Other habits include: teeth grinding clenching or bruxism, tongue finger or thumb sucking, a tongue thrust and lip or nail biting.