There are many ways to treat crooked teeth. Always consider the most conservative treatment options first. Before and after photos on composite bonding for crooked tooth rotations performed in our Cosmetic Dentistry office.
Cosmetic bonding treats a crooked tooth
Composite bonding closes cosmetic defects caused by a crooked tooth
A 1 mm prep was made into the mesio-lingual surface of the tooth to add mechanical retention of the bonded material. Composite bonding was only added to the lingual surface. This allowed the enamel to naturally reflect light.
Translucency describes the natural gray light from inside the mouth seen on the incisal edges of teeth. Maintaining or creating incisal translucency one the goal of a competent cosmetic dentist.
Treatment of congenitally missing lateral incisors with teeth bonding and sculpting – reshaping
The patients canine teeth were congenitally in the lateral incisor position bilaterally. Therefore this resulted in a crooked tooth appearance as seen from both sides of the smile.
The crooked canine teeth were shortened and composite bonding was added to the medial surfaces to square them. The mesio-incisal surface of the upper right central incisor #8 was also bonded after sculpting and interproximal stripping.
The total treatment time was one hour. Particularly Novocaine was not needed because the patient did not feel any pain.