Before and after photos on resin bonding increases tooth length for short teeth performed in our Cosmetic Dentistry office.
Dental Bonding increases the length of the short teeth and Sculpting reshapes the long teeth to make them shorter. Treatment time: two visits! No shots! Teeth whitening was also performed.
Teeth Bonding & Sculpting – reshaping. The short tooth was lengthened with cosmetic bonding and the long teeth were shortened with sculpting, incisal adjustment. Treatment time: one visit
Teeth Bonding is used here to treat incisal wear associated with bruxism – grinding. The length of the short teeth were increased with composite resin bonding. The incisal edges of the lower teeth bonding slopes higher lingually to increase teeth length while allowing for a normal occlusion, bite.
Extending the length of the upper front teeth with dental bonding. There are two ways to cosmetically lengthen teeth: teeth bonding or porcelain veneers laminates. Porcelain veneers laminates are preferable due to greater strength and esthetics however they are a lot more expensive. Some patients can get a quite satisfactory result with tooth bonding when cost is a concern.