Before and after photos on white teeth fillings bonding and composite resin performed in our Cosmetic Dentistry office.
Before and After smile makeover pictures. Eight white teeth fillings, composite resins. Six teeth crown caps. Five root canals. Gum therapy. Teeth Whitening. Total treatment time: nine days of cosmetic dentistry.
Dental bonding was applied to the labial surface of the adult canine tooth after the extraction and healing of the retained baby tooth.
Oral Reconstruction with porcelain crowns, teeth bonding, teeth whitening, gum & root canal therapy, and braces. Treatment time (except braces): 2 months
Teeth Braces treatment time: 7 months
Teeth Braces treatment time: 7 months
Closing a diastema (the space between the two upper front teeth) with dental bonding, a white tooth filling material. Note how the bonding contours around the gingival papilla (gum point). A #12 scalpel gives a much finer point than a typical plastic instrument to add precise and tiny amounts of bonding material.
Placement of a Kristobal (Maryland Bridge-type) fixed bridge to replace two missing lower central incisors. 1) Before photo with the patient’s removable partial denture in place. 2) Pre-op view with the denture removed. 3) – 4) Two views of the Kristobal bridge. 5) – 8) Four After photos following adhesive teeth bonding of the bridge to the lateral incisors. These bridges can work well in the anterior when a patient is willing to place less force upon them.
Cosmetic dentistry with Sculpting teeth reshaping and Composite Bonding, a white tooth filling material. Note how the incisal edges of the top and bottom teeth were reshaped and how the space on the upper lateral incisor was closed with teeth bonding.
Cosmetic dentistry with Sculpting – incisal adjustment – and Bonding the upper central incisors, and teeth whitening. Note how the eccentric shapes of the centrals were reduced and dental bonding was added to the mesio-incisal angles. Collectively, this makes the teeth appear straight.
Maxillary arch oral reconstruction in a patient who was afraid of the dentist. The patient was a pretty, 33 year-old female. Treatment included porcelain fused to metal crown & bridge, root canal therapy on all teeth abutments, root tip extractions, and facial teeth composite bonding on both upper lateral incisors. The upper anterior root canal and crowns were first completed to show her how pretty her teeth could look and that it could be accomplished quickly and painlessly. Extractions of the hopeless teeth were all completed at one time and initiated early to allow time for healing before bridgework. Then root canal therapy was performed on the posterior abutments before their preparation for bridgework. The patient experienced minimal post-operative pain.
Cosmetic dentistry with Sculpting – teeth reshaping – and Bonding the upper central incisors. Note how the eccentric shapes of the centrals were reduced and dental bonding was added to the mesio-incisal angles. Collectively, this makes the teeth appear straight.
Repair of a porcelain fused to metal crown that had an open contact due to fractured porcelain. The open contact bothered the patient. The crown was prepared in a manner similar to that for a mesio-occlusal restoration. Tooth bonding material was placed inside this preparation after porcelain etching and priming with silane.
Final tooth preparation before placement of direct composite resin material in a lower molar. 1) – 2) Final tooth preparation. 3) Placement of chemically-cured flowable bonding material. Note the presence of several spheres of slightly different-colored bonding material within the flowable bonding material. These are spheres of light-cured bonding material (“bonding balls”) that are used to condense the flowable composite against the inner walls of the tooth preparation. 4) The final bonded restoration.