Before and after photos on decalcification of teeth may cause cavities performed in our General Dentistry office. This is frequently caused by eating too much sugar in foods and/or drinks. Drinks that contain both sugar and acid – like regular (non-diet) soda and fruit juice drinks including sports drinks – can be particularly bad for your teeth. This is greatly exacerbated when someone also doesn’t floss.
Before and after pictures. Treatment of teeth decalcification. This is frequently caused by oral ingestion of fruit juices and improper oral hygiene. Fruit juice typically contains lots of sticky sugar and acid.
Decay removal in a large cavity and bonding. The arrow in the photo shows the white lesion on the outer edge of the tooth. This is an example of teeth decalcification. Note: “4. bonding. (the white in photo #2 is decalfication).”
Interproximal decay seen in this photo while removing an adjacent dental crown. Preparation into this stain clearly shows the white lesion that is diagnosed as tooth decalcification and brown tooth decay surrounding this white area.