Full mouth oral reconstruction with dental crowns and periodontal gum surgery treatment

Our NY periodontist offers expert gum surgery only when all other options are exhausted. Our  team also includes 16 cosmetic dentists, specialists and lab ceramists in one high-end office. In brief we are able to significantly reduce the need for Gum Surgery based upon intelligent and honest diagnosis including taking Oral Microbiology cultures. In addition an MD-anesthesiologist offers several options for dental sedation. Our treatment is quick and comfortable. Before and after photos on gum surgery for disease crowns were performed in our Gum Disease Treatment office.

Moreover our patients have access to our affiliated team of 12 medical doctors in our building. This is because of the known relationship between gum disease and other medical diseases like heart disease and diabetes.

Osseous Surgery, treatment periodontal gum surgery symptoms, jaw bone disease osseous cure

Periodontal disease treatment of the gums

Dental crown buildup following root canal therapy in a molar tooth. 1) Following root canal therapy. 2) Tooth preparation for crown buildup. Incidentally note preparation into the root canal orifices creates mechanical retention of the composite resin core. 3) Initial shoulder preparation of the dental crown margin finish line. 4) Bevel placement.

This tooth needs crown lengthening periodontal gum surgery because there is very little available tooth above the gum on which a dental crown may be cemented. This gum surgery will reestablish a healthy biological width and recreate a healthy periodontium.

periodontal gum surgery treatment Scaling and Root Planing, periodontal SRP partial dentures teeth

Gum Surgery periodontal disease treatment of the gums

Full mouth oral reconstruction of a dental fear phobia anxiety patient. Initial before and after pictures: two visits.
symptoms Gum Surgery gums periodontal disease treatment scaling root planing scaling SRP RPS

Full Mouth Oral Reconstruction including gum surgery treatment for periodontal gum disease

Before and after pictures. This dental treatment included: 7 tooth extractions, 8 root canals and composite resin cores, full mouth scaling and root planing and then periodontal gum surgery treatment, and 19 units of fixed teeth bridgework over 8 abutment teeth.

The patient’s gum disease symptoms included bleeding gums, bad breath and gum infection.

open flap debridement symptoms periodontal gum disease surgery treatment cure, inverse bevel, root

Full Mouth Oral Reconstruction with Dental Crowns and Periodontal Gum Surgery Treatment

To the left are before and after pictures. Treatment time was one visit.

20 Temporary dental crowns, 14 teeth received root canal therapy and six teeth extractions. Initial gum surgery treatment was performed at the time of the tooth extractions.

This patient’s periodontal gum disease symptoms focused mainly on tooth mobility movement.

gum disease surgery treatment mucogingival graft recession receded toothbrush erosion abrasion

Periodontal gum surgery treatment for recession of the gums around a lower canine tooth using a free gingival graft

1) Periodontal probe in the gingival sulcus showing the mucogingival defect. 2) Initial sub-sulcular incision. 3) Then the gingival tissue harvested from the palate that will be used for the graft. 4) Lastly the graft is sutured in place.

gums gum surgery disease treatment periodontal Gingivectomy crown lengthening short clinical crowns

Short clinical dental crowns that require crown lengthening gum surgery treatment to increase dental cement retention for the maxillary anterior teeth bridge

Pictures 1) and 2) A three millimeter submarginal gum incision was made around all the teeth. Photo 3) Then the gingival gum collar was removed including the interproximal gum tissue. Image 4) Next the gum flap was sutured against the underlying alveolar jaw bone.

For more info search these related terms in this website: Apically Repositioned Flap, Apicoectomy, Dental Hygiene, Furcation Involvement, Gingival, Gingivectomy, Gingivitis, Graft, Gum, Membranes, Microbiology, Mucogingival, Open, Periodontics, Recession, Scaling and X-rays.
In conclusion all of the dentistry shown on this 4,400 page website was created by Dr. Jeffrey Dorfman. In brief we offer intelligent and honest diagnosis that results in more conservative periodontal therapy. Visit us when you want it done right the first time; you will save money by initially spending more. Therefore please call The Center for Special Dentistry®.