Gum disease is associated with diabetes and heart disease so we take bacterial cultures

Our Conservative Gum Disease Treatment team includes 16 cosmetic dentists, specialists (including a Periodontist) and lab technicians in one high-end office. In particular we focus on Oral Microbiology cultures. As a result we are able to significantly reduce the need for Gum Surgery. We offer intelligent and honest diagnosis based upon 31+ years of experience. Our treatment is quick and comfortable. Before and after photos on oral microbiology bacterial cultures and heart disease performed in our Gum Disease Treatment office.

Moreover our patients have access to our affiliated team of 12 medical doctors in our building. There is a relationship between gum disease and other medical diseases like heart disease and diabetes. Therefore take gum disease seriously.

Oral Microbiology, Dental implant infection, periodontal culture, anaerobic bacteria

Oral Microbiology for an acute periodontal gum infection

This patient had not gone to the dentist for over six years. The 20 year old implant denture clasps had broken causing the denture to rub against her gums near the implants in the presence of a lot of plaque and calculus. Incidentally these photos were taken after Antibiotic & Initial Periodontal Therapy were completed. Subsequently the Microbiology Culture revealed the presence of 32% Enteric Gram Negative Rods (5% is normal) that were resistant to Doxycycline, Amoxicillin, Metronidazole and Clindamycin. Antibiotic susceptibility testing revealed this infection would respond to Ciprofloxacin. In particular these two images were rotated to show the lingual view.

diabetes gum disease oral microbiology dental aerobic bacteria anaerobic periostat spirochetes

Oral Microbiology test results

This 41 year old female had severe gum disease. She did not favorably respond to three years of antibiotic treatment with Periostat – Doxycycline – at another dental office. Enteric gram negative rods – anaerobic bacteria populated 13.8% of the microbiologic culture and were shown to be resistant to Doxycycline. This patient was successfully treated with Amoxycillin & Metronidazole antibiotics. Then she was also referred to an MD where a fasting glucose tolerance test showed she had early stage diabetes.

Incidentally these tests will frequently show anaerobic and aerobic bacteria results featuring spirochetes, porphyromonas gingivali and actinobacillus actinomycetemcomitans. Treatment should focus on the elimination of the mouth germs. Singularly these germs are highly correlated with periodontal gum disease.

oral microbiology dental aerobic bacteria anaerobic periostat spirochetes abscess gum infection bo

Oral microbiology for an acute periodontal abscess that caused severe tooth and gum pain

1) This patient presented with a gum fistula between tooth #’s 7 & 8. Tooth #’s 8 & 9 had acrylic teeth laminates placed about two years ago. Her general dentist had performed a gingivectomy last year to attempt to treat the occasional gum swelling in this area. 2) The radiograph of tooth #9 shows a healed apicoectomy from 12 years ago that is not related to the current problem. 3) Next a gutta percha point was placed in the fistula and radiographed to see where it led. It stayed at the coronal gingival gum margin probably around the margin of the dental laminate. The patient was put on tetracycline antibiotic for a week. [This is not a recommendation for everybody!] 4) Finally reevaluation two days later showed improvement in gum disease symptoms and gum gingival inflammation. Finally an evaluation and treatment of the dental laminate margin will occur with the Periodontist following resolution of the acute condition.
oral microbiology dental aerobic bacteria anaerobic heart disease gum infection diabetes spirochetes

Oral Microbiology dental bacteria cultures will become increasingly important in dentistry and medicine

The correlation between dental disease and medical illness are just now being explored. Usually our office refers patients with advanced periodontal gum disease for a medical evaluation.

These oral microbiology tests will frequently show anaerobic and aerobic bacteria – mouth germs – featuring spirochetes, porphyromonas gingivali and actinobacillus actinomycetemcomitans. These bacteria are highly correlated with periodontal gum disease. Therefore treatment should focus on their elimination as a goal.

Suggested reading includes: Listgarten, Offenbacher and Genco.

oral microbiology dental aerobic bacteria anaerobic abscess gum fistula infection bacteria spiroche

A painful acute periodontal abscess

This patient presented with this fistula between tooth #’s 7 & 8. Tooth #’s 8 & 9 had acrylic laminates placed about two years ago. Her general dentist had performed a gingivectomy last year to attempt to treat the occasional swollen gums in this same area. A gutta percha point was placed in the gum fistula boil and x-rayed to see where it led. It stayed at the coronal gingival margin probably around the margin of the tooth laminate. The patient was put on tetracycline antibiotic for a week. [This is not a recommendation for everybody!]. Reevaluation two days later show improvement in gum disease symptoms and gingival inflammation. Then an evaluation and treatment of the teeth laminate margin will occur following resolution of the acute condition.
mouth germs AA PG bacteria bad breath smell oral microbiology halitosis, porphyromonas gingivalis

A periodontal gum culture, oral dental microbiology, tests for the presence of periodontal pathogens bacteria, or species of germs, in the mouth

How to pictures. First use a cotton pellet and a college pliers to wipe away supragingival plaque. Next place a medium cotton point into about six different gingival sites with the deepest periodontal pocket probings. Then leave the cotton point in place for five to ten seconds and then quickly place it in the bacterial culture medium. Lastly ship overnight to the Microbiologic Testing Lab at Temple University.
porphyromonas gingivalis, actinobacillus actinomycetemcomitans, atridox, doxycycline, antibiotics

How to place an antibiotic under the gum to kill bacteria after Oral Microbiology testing

1) Patient presents with an isolated mild-moderate periodontal gum pocket. Photo 2) In this case, a conservative site-specific treatment was used with doxycycline antibiotic gel – Atridox. Photo 3) Then the antibiotic gel is inserted into the periodontal pocket via a canula and the excess is pushed into the gum pocket with a moistened periodontal scaler without local anesthesia. Photo 4) Final placement.
Oral Microbiology Dental Bacteria Germs anaerobic aerobic spirochetes porphyromonas gingivalis

Oral or Dental Microbiology performed on Dental Implants

These pictures show a dental microbiology culture taken from a draining gum fistula around a maxillary unilateral subperiosteal dental implant. Periodontal gum cultures should be taken before prescribing antibiotics. In this case the infection was resistant to Penicillin, Tetracycline and Metronidazole.


In conclusion all of the dentistry shown on this 4,400 page website was created by Dr. Jeffrey Dorfman. In brief we offer intelligent and honest diagnosis. Visit us when you want it done right the first time; you will save money by initially spending more. Therefore please call The Center for Special Dentistry®.