Before and after photos on porcelain dental veneers can close teeth gaps or spaces performed in our Porcelain Veneers office.
Porcelain veneers (laminates) were used here to make crooked teeth appear straight while also dramatically changing the color of these teeth. Compare the upper right and lower right photos.
Porcelain teeth veneers and sculpting – reshaping the lower teeth. Before and after photos. The upper porcelain dental veneers were used to close the large teeth gaps spaces after the two upper front teeth were dramatically shortened.
Smile Makeover with 18 Porcelain Teeth Veneers in a patient who wanted to close teeth gap spaces. Before and After Pictures. The patient refused orthodontics teeth braces. He also knew he wanted exactly 18 porcelain veneers. These dental veneers were placed in two visits over six hours.
Cosmetic treatment of a tooth in crossbite with a porcelain tooth veneer. Remember that when jumping a cross bite with a porcelain veneer to consider adding mechanical retention in the tooth preparation. This will help avoid premature failure of the bonding dental cement.