Porcelain veneers or dental laminates can increase the length of short teeth. Habits like teeth grinding or bruxism is one cause of short teeth. Porcelain veneers for short teeth is a much stronger and predictable treatment than bonding. This is because the veneers have a much larger surface area for gluing. This dentistry was performed in our Porcelain Veneers office.
Porcelain veneers for short teeth
Porcelain veneers for short teeth
Porcelain teeth veneers – how to preparation of two upper front teeth pictures.
1) Before photo with broken central incisor teeth and an anterior open bite occlusion. The patient had already seen the dental hygienist for a dental prophylaxis – teeth cleaning – and had also completed teeth whitening.
Porcelain teeth veneers do not change color with teeth whitening procedures and in fact the application of teeth whitening dental veneers could damage the porcelain finish. 2) Facial depth cut for porcelain veneer on tooth #9. 3) Initial preparation on teeth #8 and #9. 4) Final teeth preparation of #8 and #9. 5) Slightly reducing proximal contact with a sandpaper strip. 6) Retraction cord packed before taking a teeth impression. 7) Final dental veneers. 8) After photo with porcelain teeth veneers cemented.
Porcelain veneers for short teeth
Porcelain veneers for short teeth
Before and after photos of porcelain veneers for the two upper front teeth. The shapes of these teeth veneers reestablished what the patient had before an accident broke her front teeth.