Before and after photos on veneers for teeth that are gray or yellow color performed in our Porcelain Veneers office.
New dental bonding replacing old bonding on an upper right lateral incisor. 1) and 2) Pre-op. 3) and 4) Post-op. The color change was accomplished without shots in about 15 minutes. Teeth color can typically be changed in one of several ways: 1) whitening, bleaching, 2) bonding, composite resin, 3) veneers, or 4) crowns, caps.
Smile Makeover. 1) & 2) Before Photos. 3) & 4) After Photos. A combination of 20 all-porcelain Zirconium dental crowns, porcelain veneers and a lower front teeth bridge were used to treat natural tooth discoloration (and yellow old crowns) and a severe bilateral, posterior crossbite. The cross bite means the upper back teeth closed down inside the lower back teeth. Total treatment time was about four weeks.
Tooth color can be an indication of decay – teeth cavity. 1) Be suspicious when tooth color is different than you would normally expect. 2) There was a large cavity in this case.