Bonding of upper anterior teeth & Maryland Bridge
November 4, 2008 7:00 pmFemale patient presents to the dental office for bonding of upper anterior teeth (#8 and #9) and prepping of #21 and #23 for a Maryland bridge. Prepped #21 and #23 with cingulum rests using an inverted cone bur. At first a chamfer bur was used but it was not sharp enough and did not have rests that were well defined. I thus determined that a sharp inverted cone bur would be better. I then took a 3 way impression of the lower arch for the Maryland bridge and the preps came out very well defined. I also took a bite registration using yellow PVS.
We examined the lower RPD with the lab tech to determine if we could easily reline or rebase the RPD for a better fit, as well as add teeth onto it in the areas of #28 and #29. Lab tech said it would be easier to just make a new RPD so we took alginate impressions of the upper and lower arch.
I started the bonding of #8 and #9 using 1 step etch and bond and A1 composite. The shade looked nice on the natural tooth structure. The contact area was somewhat thick so as I pulled floss through at the end some of the tooth bonding chipped and will be fixed during the next visit.
N.S., New York University College of Dentistry, Patient 1 – part 5
Tags: dental bonding, dental composite, Dental Student, Maryland bridgeCategorised in: Dental Student Experiences
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