Cosmetic dentistry before a daughter’s wedding

November 5, 2008 11:56 am Published by

Female patient presents to the office for treatment planning with a student dentist. Patient would like work done by a student dentist because of financial limitations. Patient is a 9/11 World Trade Center respondent with multiple health problems: asthma, recurring bronchitis, MVP, high blood pressure, hypertension, recurring migraines, and dental phobia.


The chief complaint is that the patient would like a nice smile for her daughter’s wedding in the third week of August. Patient also complains of swelling in the right mandibular region. She would like the first phase of treatment to only focus on anterior esthetics. Patient brought a letter stating medical clearance from her medical doctor regarding her MVP.


Treatment options discussed with patient regarding anterior esthetics. Different options included a temporary bridge, permanent bridges, root canals followed by crowns, bonding, sculpting and reshaping, and bleaching. Because of financial and time limitations due to her daughter’s wedding, the following treatment plan was decided upon:



·     3 sessions of bleaching due to the yellow color of her teeth

·     Sculpting of the upper and lower right teeth

·     Bonding of #7, 8, 23, 24, and 25

·     Placement of a fixed tooth in the space between 21 and 23


Also apparent was the patient’s tongue thrusting habit which affects the position of her teeth.

Patient was informed that further treatment was needed for health reasons, including the posterior teeth which most likely need root canal treatment.


The patient was satisfied with the treatment plan. The next visit will be an oral surgery consult for the right mandibular swelling and pain. The oral surgery visit will also include a consult for implants which will be at a later stage of treatment.


N.S., New York University College of Dentistry, Patient 1 – part 1

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